Hi Peter, I bought a Windpilot Pacific from you late 2017 and I fitted it before launching in the spring. Over summer 2018 I have sailed a 6 week 1000 mile cruise off the west coast of Scotland and at all times when in clear wind and open water I have used the Windpilot.

My boat is a centre cockpit, wheel steered, fin keel Moody 34, so one of the more challenging configurations for servo pendulum gear. However, even with the inevitable losses with longer line lengths and wheel steering, I have successfully set the gear (and the boat) up to self-steer in all steady winds experienced above about 8 knots apparent. This has included passages with winds of 30 knots plus on the beam.

I am planning a 12 month Atlantic circuit via the trade wind route departing next summer which necessitated the need for wind vane steering. Prior to purchase, due to the configuration of my boat and the fact I had no first-hand experience of wind vane self-steering, I was unsure whether to go for a Hydrovane auxiliary rudder or a Windpilot servo pendulum. I am in no position to comment on the Hydrovane but from my experience gained this year I am happy with my Windpilot Pacific, not only for the Atlantic circuit but for any sailing in clear wind and open water I prefer it to an autopilot.
Richard Rawlinson SV Zephyr